
How to become a famous digital-artist? Tips for beginners.

  I had been an artist for such a long time before i left this job. But nevertheless, in the time I managed to learn the main aspects of how all the same to be really popular guy in the world of arts.
  You just have bought your own tablet and signed up for Deviantart. So, how will you start? If you still don't know, this article is especially for you. Keep reading and I will show you the all stuff, which you have to be familiar with.

 Well, let's get started. Firstly I want to speak about the famous website(where, as you know, 'art meets application'), which called DeviantArt.com. 
  Yesterday you registered and even submitted some of your artworks here, and today you are confused with saying: 'Aww, men, so where are my views?' And here is my first advice: be patient. 
  The amount of views depend on your activity. By these words I don't mean that you have to post more and more arts each day. First thing, that you need to know - you must be active member of the website in some of the ways below:
  1. Follow the artists, whose works you really like. Don't forget to leave the comment near his or her artwork. You can also add it to your collection of 'favourites'.
  2. Join the clubs. For example, if you are furry-artist, or if you just like to draw different animals and having your own character, of course you can join 'Adopts Central'(if you are going to buy any character, or you just wanna see another designs of them). By this way, you may also like 'Furry-Lovers'. So, just click the button 'Groups' when browsing Deviantart, and make the search in things you are interested in. Another more simple example, if you like dogs, you may join the club 'Dogs'. Alright? You can also find a lot of clubs from your own country and meet some people who have the same interests. 
  3. Make new friends. Maybe you will meet somebody who have just joined the website, like you; or it probably can be someone, who are the member of Deviantart for a long time(such people can be very helpful if you have some questions about this social network).
  From this moment you know a little bit more about such a social network as Deviantart. 
So let's continue our lesson. Secondly I want to teach you three basic ways of how to be a good artist and improve your skills faster. 

How to become a good artist?

  • 'Coffee is my friend'. Be patient. You will receive your views as soon as your popularity will grove up. Remember: nothing comes immediately. Firstly wait.
  • Tablet user. Of course, to have better experience - you should purchase the tablet for creating your atworks. But here is one of the most important rules: your skill doesn't depend on how expensive your tablet is. Firstly you should buy easy tablet for beginners, then probably after the year working you can look for more professional tablet.  
  • 'Carbon paper'. Don't copy! Young artists like to make 'overpaints' with popular art-pictures. Never do the same things. You risk to be caught as soon as you will sumbit that artwork. If you just want to colour something, then please don't forget to check, if you are using free linework.
  Now we know how to become a good artist. From here is a next question: how to become a famous artist? 
  Everybody wants to be popular. But popularity also needs some rules, which you necessarily need to know. And the place below there are some of the main ways to become a popular artist. 

How to become a famous artist?

  • A lot of practice. Of course, this is the longest way, but laso the most useful. Every day you are improving your skills: watching tutorials, taking collabs with another artists, purchasing a new tablet, and of course - drawing, drawing, drawing.
  • 'Wanna be my friend?' This shorter way if for real 'handshakers' and snivellers. If you want to be famous - become a friend of somebody who is already famous, so he will promote you. Don't forget to pray more and more famous artists about art-trade with them. 
  • Social scandals. The fastest way to become a popular artist - is to attract too much attention to yourself. Some of the popular artist became famous by participating in big social scandals. More gossip about you - you're so popular. If you went this way, you should attract more attention to yourself. You must do everything with purpose make people talking about you. 
  Well, that's all for today's article about 'How to become a famous digital-artist'. I hope you found something interesting, which you didn't know before; and probably this text was really helpful for you. This is my first blog in english, so I'm sorry, if there are any mistakes. I did my best to made you enjoying it. 
Thanks for reading, have a nice day! 

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